Tuesday, July 20, 2010

0 to 60...

Well, been awhile since I've written anything here.  Guess I should pick up where I left off.  In June we did a test priming run and it worked out well. My levels went up as they should, I made my very own little egg (insert clucking here), it did what it's supposed to do and from what the nurse told me, the Doctor did a little happy dance of his own.

From June 28th on was a whole different story.  My levels wouldn't rise even if it meant they would save my life.  From that starting point up until July 12th, no change.  I was getting frustrated because I couldn't understand why it went to smoothly last month but not this time around.  Well, starting from the 12th I went to a vial and half dose of Menopur.  Re-tested on the 15th and went from under 20 result to a result "of" 20.  Okay, didn't tell me how much I went up but that stupid sign was gone, which made me happy.  Another 4 days at that dose and retested on the 19th with a result of 112!!!!  My estrogen jumped.

I was doing the happy dance in the restaurant and of course had to call Greg right away.  This meant it was time to get back into IVF mode.  I figured I would have to go back to Loma Linda the next morning and get things started.  Well, barely 10 minutes after getting the results I get a call from Julie at the hospital.  They wanted to see me that day!  Ultrasound and all that fun stuff.  Greg takes off from work, picks me up at the restaurant and away we go...

Meet with the Doctor on call, did ultrasound and talked for a few.  I asked him, because I had been told it would go fast from this point, how fast because I was looking for a time frame.  His response, didn't think very fast at all.  Cool! Here I am thinking 2 or three weeks before retrieval, enough time to figure things out, new meds were going to be ordered which meant expenses we didn't initially prepare for. (I have a whole box of goodies, half I won't even touch now.)

Next we meet with the nurse to go over meds, talk things through and see what was going to be lined up.  Then she shows me the calendar the doctor printed up.  And that is where we both went into shock.  Retrieval is scheduled for next Wednesday, possibly Thursday of next week!!!  Yes, 10 days away!!!  Which means transfer either that Saturday or Monday following.   Here I was thinking weeks, and they are talking days.  A week from tomorrow I could be going under.

I go back on Thursday for more blood work and another ultrasound.  Praying and hoping for good results and some healthy follicles with eggs. (cluck cluck)  Meds wise I am at 225mg of Folistim (FSH) in the morning and three vials of Menopur (combo of FSH and LH) at night.  It makes for a cranky me, but I'm keeping it under control.  I can feel some pressure throughout the day but cramping is light during the day but really kicks in after each of the shots.  And after the Menopur one, I pretty much have a good 15 minutes to half hour before I fall asleep.  Good thing I don't have to take it in the morning.  I still have a slight mental block sticking myself with the needles but I know Greg will take over if I get tired of doing it.

Now that the shock has worn off I'm all excited.  I pray this is it, and we'll have a successful IVF resulting in a healthy baby.  From the lips of everyone that has been praying for us to God's ears.

I'll post again on Thursday.

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