Sunday, April 18, 2010

Rough Start to a Great Saturday

I woke up with the "I can do this" attitude today, totally prepared to begin the second part of this adventure, the dreaded shots.  Today was day 1 of the Microdose Lupron.  Small dose, small needle, and it's not like I am not familiar with needles.  Today we were going to San Diego for my Uncle's birthday and starting the fun with breakfast at Hash House a Go Go. So I was up early (not that the cats had anything to do with it, of course) and ready to start this day.

There I am in the kitchen preparing the shot.  I can do this, at least at this point I keep telling myself now.  Air check, needle into the bottle check, dosage check...wait, is there supposed to be little bubbles? Let's try this again, wash, rinse and repeat.  Well, we ended up bending the needle because the top is a rubbery type of material and kind of temperamental.   One dosage wasted, and I try again.  This time success! Now, pinch and poke!

Or so you probably thought.  Nope, not me. I felt that needle hit my skin and froze.  I couldn't do it and pretty much break out into tears.  There was Greg to the rescue.  So I'm standing there, grabbing the edge of the counter for dear life being told not to flinch.  To which I can only respond a few times over "Is it in yet?".  Yes it was.  Wait! I didn't feel it.  He is so my hero!  Off to San Diego we go.

Breakfast was great as usual but I didn't eat to much.  Having been pulled off the OC on Tuesday I was told to expect a visit from my little friend.  Didn't realize how miserable I was going to feel.  The cramps sucked, I was achey, more than usual, and definitely not my normal cheerful self.  By the time we made a stop before heading over to the house the Tylenol was finally working.

We had a great day and all spent most of the time just laughing.  I love days like that.  Those are perfect days in my book.  My evening shot went much more smoothly.  My wonderful Aunt, who is a nurse, was with me this time and encouraged me to do it myself, just talking me through it.  I am happy to say, with no tears or melt-downs to be had, I did my own injection.  Amazing how the mind can distort things cause that little needle was 3 inches long in my eyes with evil red eyes and a snarling mouth full of sharp teeth.  It turned into a monster on me, which was put to rest.

The drive home was uneventful.  I think I played Plants vs. Zombies most of the time.  Now, I have a cat to chase off the desk and it's almost 6:30am on this lovely Sunday morning.  Time to go take my medicines. 

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