Saturday, April 24, 2010

Yet Another Day

What a couple of days it has been. This morning Greg and I made a trip to see Dr. Wong. The ultrasound didn't show any improvement. As he put it, things are still quiet, but he says sometimes it takes a bit longer for some women to respond. Depending on the blood work, we would know how to progress, either try a bit more or stop this ivf cycle and return to the lab to figure out what is wrong with me. I think I stumped the doctor. Not an easy task.

So we tried to get the morning moving by grabbing some breakfast and a bit of shopping before returning home. Of course it felt like it dragged. I fell asleep on the couch when they finally called. The nurse couldn't give me an accurate number of my level because the machine wasn't working properly, but doc must have saw some sign of hope because I have been given another three days of FSH, and another blood test on Tuesday morning. Hope still remains and it helps to have a doctor that doesn't give up easily.

I am more relaxed right now and spending time with Susan and Sharon at a weekend scrapbook retreat we have had planned since last October. Tonight is the pajama party and the three of us have monkey themed pj's and sock monkey dolls. Greg is enjoying the lemon festival with Chris, Maudie, Caity and Logan tonight and has to work tomorrow. I miss him lots.

I should get back to scrap booking. Praying for numbers in the 200's on Tuesday and an ultrasound to match.

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